

Found a sweet new blog that touches on some of these topics and more. Great way to kill time at work: X-Entertainment

Robin's Big Date


What It's Like To Stand Inside an Imploding Stadium

3D cameras used to shoot this. Click and drag to move the camera around.

disguisable weapons

i was going to post the article here, but i'd have to download and upload all the pics and copy and paste the text.  fuck that, just click



Little Fyodor

Mike's been trying to get me into these guys for a while. Thought it was Little Theodore until yesterday. Hope you're ready for hard-on.


A 3D Trip into the Carina Nebula

This is a three-dimensional trip into a giant "mountain" of cool hydrogen and dust in the Carina Nebula, a vast star-forming region in our Milky Way Galaxy. The nebula is too far away for Hubble Space Telescope to see in true three dimensions. But this visualization creates foreground and background elements based on an approximation of how the region might be distributed in a 3-D volume. A virtual camera flies through this synthesized space to create a 3-D effect.


Predator review


hulk ride bus


be prepared!

Are you prepared?




the gift

so phillips electronics holds a contest to make a short film to show off it's tv that has the stupid ambient lighting that is stupid.  anyways, the rules stated you had to use these six lines of dialogue:

what is that?
it's a unicorn.
never seen one up close before.
get away. get away.
i'm sorry.

this is what someone came up with.

there are rumors of it being made into a feature length

The Pale Blue Dot

We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot from dmahr on Vimeo.


play this "game" and think about life....

"“Every day the same dream” is a slightly existential riff on the theme of alienation and refusal of labor. The idea was to charge the cyclic nature of most video games with some kind of meaning (i.e. the “play again” is not a game over). Yes, there is an end state, you can “beat” the game."


also, meat boy is a game coming out or available on wii ware and maybe ps3 and xbox too??  heres a free version 'taste' to try out.  the platforming is awesome, i just wish i could use a controller with it and full screen it with my monitor rotated vertically.  i guess the console version is more expanded with some horizontal levels and better (less sensitive) controls.



dolphins doing complex algorithms and completing theories

Wheelchair Accident

violent soho

care for some pixies meets nirvana grunge band?? check out this new australian band.
and seth...you can go and see them at some Bluebird Theatre in Denver on 16th of April O'Neal



jim lee + ipad

Artist Jim Lee posted these on his twitter account, pretty cool drawings on the ipad.



cussin' A i'm diggin this band from seattle.  this is the best youtube video i could find, but it's also how i found them.  NPR tiny desk concerts does it again!  this is kinda weird though,  the guy playing the guitar and singing is actually the drummer.  but man it's good.  it's actually more rockin too, check the second video for the album version of "Coast of Carolina" (the second song in the first video).  i'm a sucker for catchy rock, though....

UPDATE: Telekinesis is now mojo-able!