

Super Mario Bros Wii

Finally, a reason to dust off my Wii. Been waiting for this since Super Mario World.

nerdiest guitar ever...

new game! star guard....

imagine if contra had been dreamt up in the atari days...

you'd have this:

this entire sentence is a link to try this game out.  i wasted some time with it, i only wish the shoot and jump buttons were reversed.


Laker homecoming

This is the logo they decided on for Iowa lakes community college,
guess who drew it. that's right. me. i apologize for any harm i've inflicted. please forgive me


my first post

i'll admit, this video is... dumb but the band? me likey

the band is "Brand New"

MK vs DK


michael keaton, star of multiplicity, riding a zebra

heres a photochop i did today.  just something random to keep me busy.  its big enough to use as a desktop background if you so desire...

original "base" photo

andrew bird - oh no

really love this song.  i think the album version is just a little "fuller", but this version is great too.  looks like he uses a massive delay at the begginning there with this violin.  neat.  this 'noble beast' album is pretty good.


beardo wannabe

I figured out the way to make a beard in photoshop, so I kinda tried and this is what I came up with. So I wanted to hear a word or two from a real PS guru :)
and for the record...I am a beginner so don't be too harsh with criticizing

Peace out


fleet foxes

well, i've been really liking these guys lately, so i thought i'd post some vids for y'all.

upon finding a couple, i realized their videos kinda suck.  but its something to look at whilst you listen to these amazing, folky harmonies.  these two are my favorite songs off the album.


since you're on this 'money art' kick

money money

boz, more wolf parade

you may like this one too.  they're a great band.  glad you liked them

the song is called "modern world" and its off their first album.

italian prime minister

thanks seth

amazing...first listening = crying.is something wrong with me or is this song so emotional? never heard of this band before


high speed camera + bullets + various materials = mesmerizing bliss

FULLSCREEN and mute this fucking rave bullshit music and pick a 10 minute song from your itunes library to listen to, personally, i chose 'kissing the beehive' from wolf parade's mount zoomer.  fits quite nice.  i have a feeling neil young's 'cowgirl in the sand' would be equally nice,  but any 10 minute song will do.  trust me, please.


and just TRY to stop this video midway through.  i fucking dare you.

amazing how fluid and jiggly things are at ONE MILLION frames per second.  i only wish they labeled the materials/bullets/guns used for each shot.

brat karma

"boy i can't watch football for an hour without you breakin' somethin?! Come'r boy! I'mma rip your freakin' face off!"

enter dog.

same kid.  my only question is what he was gonna do with that remote.


fun bucks


this one is great!

little chill from the best metal band ever

baby laugh-a-lot

Scariest Commercial EVER


i want this.

but not the accompanying death wish that will inevitably come with it.

new joke.

So these old asshole white guys get together. And they're like, "Dog!" No, something scarier. Hmmm, Alligator! No, no one will believe it.... Ok, Lizard, it's smaller. No, no. Something else.... Hawk! Yes that's menacing, yes. But make it more common. Sparrow? No, now it's not scary at all. Chicken? Yes, they are dirty. It's better. What about just "Bird?" Ok, wait a minute, yes. Just Bird. That sounds pretty good. Put it together now.... Ok, Bird. Flu. Bird Flu. Yes, that will scare them! Now just get some random footage of chickens to put on CNN. Chickens always look like they could have the flu. Get a bunch of them together and they look like a filthy flu rave! That will SELL much more saline I MEAN flu shots! BIRD. That's a great name for this tangential harmless strand. We can probably get two or three years out of it. Track its progress. Tell them it's nearing epidemic, or even more (fucking useless word) pandemic! 7 people got it in Uraguay, 3 in London! It's getting close to real, people (stupid Americans). Get your vaccines, "git yer flu shat!" Oh no, 58 people have it world wide! There's a case in Iowa, oh fuck! It's pandemic! Don't tell anyone that 36,000 people die of regular flu every year in the US, emphasize the 58. It's growing.

Uh oh, no one is scared any more. SALES are down. Hmm, Frog? Rat? Pig? Close, but too dirty.... Swine ?

-Mick Napier, Artistic Director

Annoyance Theater

drunk has hard time getting more drunk

maybe he wasn't drunk, but whatever's wrong with this guy, i don't think a 12 pack's gonna help his cause, but what do i know.  it's like he had weights on his pony tail, holding him 'back'.

heads up, just turn the sound of, the music sucks and there's no other audio.



Had a GREAT time in Denver this weekend..........................................................

......................but felt like THIS on Monday:
sorry D-rock


Hatland, your game's fucking with my bass line

and thanks again for using a nude man with a bike to suck 2 hours from my life

A morning filled with a hundred million suns...


see if this works...

fun little game that gets pretty tough at the end... needs flash

now i know we can post games. yay!

ps, if you want to disable sound, hit 'play' then the speaker icon in the lower right. sorry for being so intrusive.


angry cat


takeshi for ian


got piss?

I mean come on...
