
beardo wannabe

I figured out the way to make a beard in photoshop, so I kinda tried and this is what I came up with. So I wanted to hear a word or two from a real PS guru :)
and for the record...I am a beginner so don't be too harsh with criticizing

Peace out


  1. looks great! did you use a brush with some brush dynamics settings? looks really good though, especially with the highlights.
    great job.

  2. Exactly!
    First I made my own brush which was just few curly lines with different stroke width and I guess it could've been done better if I had a tablet but what the hell.
    The only trick is to boost the Angle Jitter in the dynamic settings.few layers, gray, brown and that's it.
    I guess that frontal would be harder though.
    I am glad that you liked it.
