
please, laugh with me

i guess people labeled this as "crabcore" to make fun of the band. the band tried to turn it around and use it to describe their sound. they failed. miserably.


  1. come on man..they are pioneers of crabcore?!
    my opinion : mixture of everything but not balanced good enough for it to sound like 11 million bands playing few same riffs over and over again.modern high gain amps, tight pants, emo hair style and few tattoos don't make a band,especially not the music.They try to sound mean and at the same time to combine clean chorus which is possible if the song is alright.not to mention the electronic part...
    As the song progresses, it gets worse and worse and at one point it is just not bearable.
    Actually ... I don't know...I think that overly produced sound won't compensate the lack of creativity.
    It is just too much.
    The band is shit;they sound like shit and they look like polar bear's shit :)

  2. "I think that overly produced sound won't compensate the lack of creativity."

    ...or straight talent
